SG Bus

Get real-time updates on bus arrival times and never miss a bus again! Our app helps you navigate the Singapore public transport system with ease. Track your bus and plan your commute ahead of time. With accurate and up-to-date information, you'll always be on time. Download now and start enjoying hassle-free commuting!
Bus stop locations
Locate the nearest bus stop to your current location.
Real-time bus arrival times
Get up-to-date information on when the next bus is arriving at your stop.
Bus route information
Find out which bus routes you can take to get to your destination.
Save your frequently used bus stops for quick access later.
Unified search
Make it even easier to search for bus stops.
My EZ-Link card
Check the EZ-Link card balance and public transport transaction history on the go.
Thank you for choosing our SG Bus App! Our app provides real-time bus arrival times, bus route information, and bus stop locations, making it easier for you to navigate the Singapore bus system.
To download our app, please click on the links below:
Our app is free to download and use. Once you've downloaded it, you'll have access to all of its features.
Our app is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate, so you can quickly find the information you need. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact us at here.
Thank you for choosing our SG Bus App. We hope it helps you have a smooth and hassle-free commute!