SG Bus
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Nearby bus stop locations
Nearby bus stop locations not showing
This feature only available if the device's Location Service is Enabled and the app permission to access the device's location service is Allowed.
The app also rely on the location services API to retrieve the device's location. On some device, the location retrieval is quite slow. To give a better user experience, we have decided to set the lower timeout and display an empty list instead of displaying the loading... forever.
If you are facing this issue, we suggest you to use the search feature to search for the bus stops.
Unified search
Search bus interchange
Most of the bus interchanges bus stop code is ended with 009. You could combine this 009 with the bus interchange keyword. For example, if you want to search for Bishan bus interchange, you could type 009 Bi in the search bar.
Real-time bus arrival times
Real-time bus arrival times is not updated automatically
Yes, you are right. This feature is not available yet. You could use the pull to refresh feature to update the real-time bus arrival times.
3rd bus arrival times
Yes, we have removed it from the app so we could display more bus ETA from other bus services.
Based on the study that we have done, we don't really find the real usage of this 3rd bus ETA.
Do you really need it? Email us with your use case and we will think about it.
The real-time bus arrival times is not accurate
The data shown on the application are provided by the LTA. We have tried our best to display the data as it-is and we do not have any control on the accuracy of the data.
My EZ-Link card
Locate EZ-Link card menu
Please refer to this link.
I have enabled NFC service, but the menu is still not showing
Yes, we are aware of this bugs. On some device, this feature is just not working as expected. We recommend you to download the official application to check the EZ-Link card.
The bus stops and bus services is not up-to-date
Let us know, we will update it for you. Contact us at here.
Questions or comments
If you have any questions or comments about the app, please do not hesitate to contact us at here.